Factor Leave Accrual

What is Factor Leave?
Factor Leave is a system that applies a decimal “factor” to hours on pay status for the purposes of calculating vacation and sick accruals.

How does it affect employees?
All staff employees accrue time based on the factor system. Academic nonexempt employees eligible to accrue time moved from a table-based system to the factor system effective November 20, 2016. Instead of receiving a whole number accrual regularly each month, as with the table-based system, employees on the factor system see accruals carried out to the 4th decimal. However, employees are still required to use accrued leave in 1/4 hour increments.

How is it calculated?
Factor leave is calculated by multiplying the hours on pay status for the pay period times the 4-digit decimal factor and rounding up to the 4th decimal. The accrual is based on two biweekly pay periods, also known as the quadriweekly cycle. Each full time biweekly pay period contains a maximum of 80 working hours, for a total of 160 maximum hours in a quadriweekly cycle. 

  • Example:
    Vacation Factor for Leave code D: .0924 x 160hrs (hours on pay status for 2 biweekly pay periods, also known as the quadriweekly cycle) = 14.7840 hours in accrued vacation.

See Also